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Breast cancer is not only diagnosed in women but can also occur to men

Breast Medical Center Dr. Chen-Teng Wu

Breast cancer is a common cancer diagnosed in Taiwanese women; the incidence rate increases annually and happens to younger people now. Breast cancer is usually associated with women but under extreme circumstances, men can also suffer from breast cancer. Breast cancer in men accounts for less than 1% of all breast cancers and is quite rare. However, it is often neglected because of the rarity. Male patients do not notice lumps in the chest and the abnormal changes, who receive treatment only when they bleed or ooze. Men are advised to pay attention to their physical changes and receive treatment as soon as possible so they can control the state of disease.

As medical treatment improves, the development of treatment becomes considerably diverse. Personal treatment can be designed according to the different disease condition, needs and biological properties of tumor cells in patients. 

The incorporation of chemotherapy with target treatment can effectively diminish tumor
The specialist doctor will determine and customize for individuals according to their disease condition, using chemotherapy, anti-hormones treatment or target treatment to diminish tumor before the surgery. In the case of Mr. Zheng – who is 58 years old, he has had lumps on the left side of his breast for about 10 years. His breast was already bleeding by the time he sought for medical help at the hospital and he was diagnosed with breast cancer. The size of tumor is 8.1cam, the lymph nodes transferred and the biological properties of tumor cancer were ER/PR-positive and Her2-positive. Chinese Medical University Hospital-Breast Medical Center consultant Chen-Ting Wu conducted thorough diagnosis and suggested him to take chemotherapy first, in order to diminish the tumor before the surgery. Dr. Wu also designed a treatment of chemotherapy incorporated with target treatment. Mr. Zheng has received treatment since April, 2018. His tumor has successfully been diminished to 2-3cm in the following examination and surgery, who is currently still under treatment. 

Working with Chinese medicine to complete the treatment with more safety 
Doctor Ying-You Chen from the Gynecology Division, Department of Chinese Medicine of China Medical University Hospital indicated that the comprehension of the intravenous chemotherapy used by patients and detailed evaluation of patients’ physique will help doctors prescribe suitable prescription and acupuncture points for massage, which will alleviate many side effects. In the example of Mr. Zheng, he experienced general edema, dizziness and nausea, damaged oral mucosa, skin rush, severe diarrhea, as well as other discomforts. Patients can receive treatment on time to alleviate the discomfort then through the co-diagnosis with Chinese medicine. After they patients return to outpatient clinic later, the Chinese medicine doctor will prescribe the Chinese medicine that helps with recovery in vigor and strength, in order to complete the entire treatment with success. 

Men also need the care from people
In the case of Mr. Zheng – who is 58 years old, he said: “I could not take the news then and I did not understand why this female disease happened to me. I did not know that men can also get breast cancer. As the support of the family, I did not know how to tell my family. I felt awkward sitting outside the outpatient clinic as most patients next to me were female. I really wished that I could vanish from the world immediately because of the misery and torment inside. 

I looked online for information about male breast cancer when I got online. It was unquestionable that the information was all about female breast cancer. I tried to share my family with the misery and torment inside. We discussed and my family believed that I should receive treatment for the illness and listen to the doctor, as it was not something serious. 

Perhaps it was the ego of men so when the doctor asked me about my condition at the hospital, I always told the doctor: I am fine. But in fact I was struggled inside because I lost hair, underarm air, leg hair, and got my nipple and areola resected. I lost all my confidence and I started to care what other people think of me and the giggling behind. 

I have recovered and know that breast cancer not only happens to women. I have been seeking medical treatment since the diagnosis of my cancer and now I am a health person. I have forgotten the awkwardness and found the support group for male breast cancer. I hope that the male patients could have change of mind and seek for support. I also hope that we could all care about male breast cancer. 


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